
Message from Dining Services – September 28, 2021

The Dining Services team at Washington University cannot express enough how excited we are to see you all back on campus. We recognize the important role dining plays on the WashU campus. Delicious food that meets your dietary needs and lifestyles combined with the sense of community that the dining experience provides are all essential to the mental and physical health and well-being of the campus community

Our team has been working diligently to move closer to “normal” service while staying on top of the still-necessary COVID safety precautions. Unfortunately, the nation is experiencing unprecedented challenges including labor shortages and supply chain interruptions, which are affecting service in our dining facilities. Amid these challenges, we are striving to meet the needs of each student, faculty, and staff we have the honor of feeding multiple times each day.

We understand that many of you have concerns about lines, access to food, and the availability of menu items among other matters.

Challenges aside, our commitment to providing each student with the food, service, and hospitality they want and need remains the same.

We would like to encourage your feedback:

  • Feedback QR Codes are located and accessible in all of our Cafes.
  • Please share feedback online at
  • Call at 314-935-2034 and leave a message
  • Dining Focus Groups: We want to hear from you! Send us an email to express your interest in dining a focus group discussion.

Greg Minner

Executive Director for Dining & Business operations

Washington University in St. Louis