Washington University Dining Services dining program emphasizes diversity of choice allowing each student to pick a meal plan that best fits their wellness and nutritional needs. In choosing the most appropriate plan, a student should have enough to keep them energized, restful, and mentally healthy. We are confident this approach gives students greater flexibility and spending options for dining on campus. No matter what plan students choose, all of our dining locations are open to each and every meal plan.

All undergraduate students living in University housing and/or enrolled in 12 hours or more are required to have a meal plan. There is no meal plan waiver offered for the 2024-2025 academic year.

How do Meal Points work?

Our dining program is operates on a points system on a declining balance as points are used. Meal points are allocated per semester and may be used at all Dining Services locations on The Danforth Campus, including Paws & Go and Millbrook Market.

Points not used during the fall semester carry over to the spring semester, however, students are still required to purchase a new meal plan for the spring. Points will expire at the end of the fall semester for students who graduate in December or study abroad in the spring semester. Any points not used by the end of the academic year are forfeited.

NOTE: Undergraduate Meal Plan points are not accepted at the Business School Cafe in Bauer/Knight Hall or the School of Medicine.

Meal Plan Contract Dates
SemesterStart DateEnd Date
Fall 2024August 16, 2024December 19, 2024
Spring 2025January 10, 2025May 12, 2025
Planning your Meal Point Use | SP25 Suggested Balance Spreadsheet is Now Available!

We know that mapping out your approach to how you will use your meal points is an important task. To help you gauge where you should be throughout the semester, view the “Suggested Balance” (PDF) that outlines the suggested balance on a weekly basis.

Example Platinum Plan Meal Plan | SP25

View an example three-week meal plan for students on a Platinum Meal Plan. This meal plan was prepared by our team of registered dietitians.

This meal plan is a general guide and is not individualized for specific dietary needs. To connect with a registered dietitian, please contact nutrition@wustl.edu.

ATTN: Coffee Club cards are available for pick up for Platinum Meal Plan holders in the Dining Services Office in Eliot B, Monday – Friday, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm. If you do not have the Platinum Meal Plan, students can purchase a Coffee Club Card separately at Cafe Bergson, Cherry Tree, or Coffee Connection registers for $149.99 for the semester.


Platinum Plan

Maximize your dining experience with the Platinum Plan, offering the greatest meal points value for your investment. While all students’ dining habits are unique, Dining Services research shows that students can meet the equivalent of three meals per day with the Platinum meal plan. This plan allows you to explore a diverse array of residential and retail dining options on campus. Enjoy additional perks such as an unlimited coffee club card at on-campus coffee shops and a complimentary birthday celebration cake from Bear Necessities. Over 50% of our First-Year students choose the Platinum Plan for their on-campus dining needs.

Ideal for: Students who live on-campus, enjoy regular dining in all residential locations, and occasionally explore dining in retail locations.
3,138 points

Gold Plan

The Gold Plan offers flexibility and a well-rounded experience at a lower cost than the Platinum plan. If you find yourself in between plans, the Gold Plan strikes a happy balance. Craving extra points? Go for the Platinum.

Ideal for: Students who live on-campus and regularly plan to eat in residential locations.
2,809 points

Silver Plan

The Silver Plan allows students to explore our diverse dining options around campus. As the minimally required plan for first-year students, it can be a great plan for students wanting to eat their lunches and dinners during the week on campus. Observations of first-year student behavior reveal that more than 10% transition to a larger meal plan during their initial semester after acclimating to campus life.

Ideal for: Students residing on or off-campus who plan to eat various meals on campus throughout the week.
2,297 points

Bronze Plan

As your time at WashU progresses, your meal plan needs evolve. The Bronze Plan, with fewer points and a lower cost, is the minimally required plan for non-first year students on campus. It enables you to enjoy on-campus dining while accommodating your evolving needs.

Ideal for: Students on the Northside or in Fraternity Housing who enjoy occasional on-campus lunches with friends.
1,775 points

Apartment Plan

Tailored for students transitioning to off-campus housing, the Apartment Plan is the minimally required plan for residents in Millbrook Apartments or Village East. Unsure about your cooking routine at home? Explore our Silver and Gold plans to align with your busy schedules.  

Ideal for: Students who plan to cook for themselves but desire occasional on-campus treats.
813 points

Off-Campus Plan

Supporting the on-the-go lifestyle of off-campus students, the Off-Campus Plan is the minimally required plan for undergraduates registered for 12 hours or more.

Ideal for: Students who are on the move and eat most daily meals off-campus or pack their own food. May get drinks, snacks, or occasional meal while on-campus.
 480 points


For additional information please view our Frequently Asked Questions.